Killer Klowns From Outer Space

Killer Klowns from Outer Space 1988 B-Movie – Comedy – Not Bloody – Sci-Fi Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis Aliens in the form of circus clowns land outside a small town and begin harvesting its residents for food and fuel. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.


PHantaSM 1979 B-Movie – Monster – Sci-Fi – Zombies Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A recently-orphaned boy must combat an inter-dimensional undertaker and its minions in a surreal exploration of how a child might imagine death and the horror of mortuaries. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.

Thing, The

The ThiNG 1982 Dark – Monster – Sci-Fi – Survival Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis Antarctic researchers unwittingly uncover a shape-shifting creature seeking to assimilate life, and their attempt to contain or kill it results in a desperate fight for their lives. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.

Little Shop of Horrors [Director’s Cut]

Little Shop Of HorrorS [director’s cut] 1986 Comedy – Monster – Not Bloody – Romance – Sci-Fi Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A hapless florist raises a bloodthirsty, talking alien plant that has designs on conquering or eating the human race. The Director’s Cut is a very different (and better) film from the widely-available theatrical release. […]

Fly, The

The FlY 1986 Monster – Romance – Sci-Fi Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A young scientist obsessed with teleportation makes an error in his work and begins to rapidly transform into a giant insect creature. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.


StinG 2024 Monster – Sci-Fi Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A girl adopts a pet spider that quickly grows into a giant intelligent hunter stalking the residents of an apartment building. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.

Cabin In The WOOds

CabiN in the WOOdS 2011 Bloody – Comedy – Female Lead – Satire – Sci-Fi Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A stereotypical group of grad students is lured to their intended deaths, but they cannot comprehend the planetary consequences of their actions as they attempt to survive. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.