Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy HolloW 1999 Bloody – Dark – Monster Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis Constable Ichabod Crane’s investigations into a series of deaths in Sleepy Hollow lead to a trail of witchcraft, revenge, and the bloodthirsty headless horseman. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.

PuMpkiNheaD 1988 B-Movie – Dark – Monster Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis To avenge his child’s death, a devastated father summons an unstoppable demon of the forest, learning that doing so comes with a terrible price. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Interview With The Vampire

InTeRvieW wiTh the VaMpiRE 1994 Bloody – Dark – Romance – Vampires Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A recounting of the highs and lows of Louis de Pointe du Lac’s reluctant and bloody existence as a vampire from 1790’s New Orleans to the present, as told by him. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming […]
Ghost Stories

GhosT StorieS 2017 Dark – Extra Scary – Ghosts Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A paranormal skeptic investigates a series of terrifying hauntings, but the supernatural encounters question his grip on reality. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Doctor Sleep [Director’s Cut]

DoctoR SleeP [director’s cut] 2019 Dark – Ghosts – Vampires Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis Decades after surviving the events of “The Shining”, a destitute man must recover and team up with a young girl to use their psychic powers in combating a band of soul-eating vampires. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Descent, The

The DescenT 2005 Dark – Extra Scary – Female Lead – Monster – Survival Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A group of adventurers go spelunking and become trapped in caverns that they soon learn are home to a colony of predatory creatures. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
As Above, So Below

As AbovE, So BeloW 2014 B-Movie – Dark – Female Lead Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A maverick archaeologist hires urban adventurers to complete a 600-year quest for the Philosopher’s Stone beneath the Paris catacombs, resulting in Dante-esque levels of horror. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.