Killer Klowns From Outer Space

Killer Klowns from Outer Space 1988 B-Movie – Comedy – Not Bloody – Sci-Fi Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis Aliens in the form of circus clowns land outside a small town and begin harvesting its residents for food and fuel. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Shaun of the Dead

Shaun of the Dead 2004 Comedy – Romance – Zombies Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A man who’s existence revolves around wasting his life away at the local pub, is determined to get his girlfriend back just as London is overrun with zombies. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.

ZombieLanD 2009 Comedy – Survival – Zombies Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis In the zombie apocalypse near future, four resourceful survivors cross paths and eventually decide to travel together in search of a zombie-free home. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
What We Do In The Shadows

WhaT We Do In The ShadoWS 2014 Bloody – Comedy – Vampires Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A documentary film crew follows a group of roommate vampires throughout their not-so-normal everynight afterlives in modern-day New Zealand. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Trick ‘r Treat

TricK ‘r TreaT 2007 Bloody – Comedy – Ghosts – Monster Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis In a series of interwoven stories, the spirit of Samhain and other creatures of Halloween unleash bloody justice on their oft-deserving victims. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Little Shop of Horrors [Director’s Cut]

Little Shop Of HorrorS [director’s cut] 1986 Comedy – Monster – Not Bloody – Romance – Sci-Fi Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A hapless florist raises a bloodthirsty, talking alien plant that has designs on conquering or eating the human race. The Director’s Cut is a very different (and better) film from the widely-available theatrical release. […]

GhostbusterS 1984 Comedy – Family Friendly – Ghosts – Not Bloody – Possession – Romance Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis Ph.D. dropouts devise a method to capture and store ghosts, turning it into a successful business just as a portal to a demonic dimension opens in NYC. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Braindead (aka Dead Alive)

BraiNdeaD (aka: Dead AliVE) 1992 B-Movie – Bloody – Comedy – Romance – Zombies Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A young man seeks romance while his over-protective mother is bitten by an infected animal and begins to turn the town into a zombie horde. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Cabin In The WOOds

CabiN in the WOOdS 2011 Bloody – Comedy – Female Lead – Satire – Sci-Fi Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A stereotypical group of grad students is lured to their intended deaths, but they cannot comprehend the planetary consequences of their actions as they attempt to survive. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.

BeetleJuicE 1988 Comedy – Family Friendly – Ghosts – Not Bloody Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis The ghosts of a pleasant couple call upon a devious and obnoxious spirit to haunt their home and scare away new owners they don’t like. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.