Evil Dead Rise

Evil Dead Rise 2023 Bloody – Dark – Extra Scary – Female Lead – Possession Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis Young siblings discover an ancient Lovecraftian Necronomicon tome and unwittingly release primordial sadistic entities who use possession to unleash gruesome chaos and death. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
What We Do In The Shadows

WhaT We Do In The ShadoWS 2014 Bloody – Comedy – Vampires Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A documentary film crew follows a group of roommate vampires throughout their not-so-normal everynight afterlives in modern-day New Zealand. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Trick ‘r Treat

TricK ‘r TreaT 2007 Bloody – Comedy – Ghosts – Monster Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis In a series of interwoven stories, the spirit of Samhain and other creatures of Halloween unleash bloody justice on their oft-deserving victims. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy HolloW 1999 Bloody – Dark – Monster Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis Constable Ichabod Crane’s investigations into a series of deaths in Sleepy Hollow lead to a trail of witchcraft, revenge, and the bloodthirsty headless horseman. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Interview With The Vampire

InTeRvieW wiTh the VaMpiRE 1994 Bloody – Dark – Romance – Vampires Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A recounting of the highs and lows of Louis de Pointe du Lac’s reluctant and bloody existence as a vampire from 1790’s New Orleans to the present, as told by him. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming […]
Braindead (aka Dead Alive)

BraiNdeaD (aka: Dead AliVE) 1992 B-Movie – Bloody – Comedy – Romance – Zombies Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A young man seeks romance while his over-protective mother is bitten by an infected animal and begins to turn the town into a zombie horde. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Cabin In The WOOds

CabiN in the WOOdS 2011 Bloody – Comedy – Female Lead – Satire – Sci-Fi Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A stereotypical group of grad students is lured to their intended deaths, but they cannot comprehend the planetary consequences of their actions as they attempt to survive. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Bram Stoker’s Dracula

Bram StokeR’s DraculA 1992 Bloody – Romance – Vampires Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A self-cursed prince stalks through the centuries as a bloodthirsty demon, drowning his anger in passion while slowly decaying, hoping to someday be reunited with his wife. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.