Hocus Pocus

HocUS PocUS 1993 Family Friendly – Not Bloody – Witches Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis Three vengeful witches of Salem are accidentally resurrected on Halloween and their evil plans must be undone by the kids responsible for their return. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Gretel & Hansel

GreteL & HanseL 2020 Female Lead – Not Bloody – Witches Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A girl is driven from her home to find work and food, and care for her younger brother, but soon she meets a witch in the woods who changes the journey into one of discovery and survival. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) […]

GhostbusterS 1984 Comedy – Family Friendly – Ghosts – Not Bloody – Possession – Romance Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis Ph.D. dropouts devise a method to capture and store ghosts, turning it into a successful business just as a portal to a demonic dimension opens in NYC. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Ghost Stories

GhosT StorieS 2017 Dark – Extra Scary – Ghosts Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A paranormal skeptic investigates a series of terrifying hauntings, but the supernatural encounters question his grip on reality. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Fog, The

The FOG 1980 Female Lead – Ghosts Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis The ghosts of long-dead mariners descend upon a coastal town on its anniversary, seeking vengeance for their untimely demise. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Fly, The

The FlY 1986 Monster – Romance – Sci-Fi Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A young scientist obsessed with teleportation makes an error in his work and begins to rapidly transform into a giant insect creature. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Dracula [restored HD Spanish film]

DraculA [restored hd spanish film] 1931 Black & White – Not Bloody – Vampires Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis The Spanish version of the Bela Lugosi classic is longer and features more effects, dialogue and a better supporting cast, but Lugosi’s suave Count is replaced by a grinning, rapey Dracula. Find out where it’s streaming via […]
Dracula [restored HD version]

DraculA [restored HD version] 1931 Black & White – Not Bloody – Vampires Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis Count Dracula is brought to life in one of the earliest talking pictures, with Bela Lugosi creating an indelible image of the cloaked vampire seeking blood and romance in England. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming […]
Doctor Sleep [Director’s Cut]

DoctoR SleeP [director’s cut] 2019 Dark – Ghosts – Vampires Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis Decades after surviving the events of “The Shining”, a destitute man must recover and team up with a young girl to use their psychic powers in combating a band of soul-eating vampires. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Descent, The

The DescenT 2005 Dark – Extra Scary – Female Lead – Monster – Survival Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A group of adventurers go spelunking and become trapped in caverns that they soon learn are home to a colony of predatory creatures. Visit JustWatch.com (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.