
NightbOOks 2021 Family Friendly – Not Bloody – Witches Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A little boy is trapped in a witch’s magical house where he must write scary stories to stay alive, while attempting to escape along with a fellow child prisoner. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Shaun of the Dead

Shaun of the Dead 2004 Comedy – Romance – Zombies Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A man who’s existence revolves around wasting his life away at the local pub, is determined to get his girlfriend back just as London is overrun with zombies. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Spider Baby

Spider Baby 1967 B-Movie – Black & White – Not Bloody Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis Relatives arrive to inherit an old house, within which still lives the butler and the demented children of the late owner whose homicidal madness is genetic. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.

PHantaSM 1979 B-Movie – Monster – Sci-Fi – Zombies Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A recently-orphaned boy must combat an inter-dimensional undertaker and its minions in a surreal exploration of how a child might imagine death and the horror of mortuaries. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
His House

HiS HoUse 2020 Ghosts – Not Bloody Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A refugee couple are literally haunted by what seem to be the ghosts of their past while trying to start a new life. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.

ZombieLanD 2009 Comedy – Survival – Zombies Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis In the zombie apocalypse near future, four resourceful survivors cross paths and eventually decide to travel together in search of a zombie-free home. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Woman In Black, The

The WoMaN In BlacK 2012 Dark – Ghosts Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A recently widowed young father is sent by his law firm to a remote English estate that is haunted by a spectral woman who seeks out and kills the children of the nearby village. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Witches, The

The WiTcHeS 1990 Family Friendly – Not Bloody – Witches Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A young boy and his grandmother attempt to hunt down the child-destroying witches of Britain and their Grand High Witch during a hotel convention. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
What We Do In The Shadows

WhaT We Do In The ShadoWS 2014 Bloody – Comedy – Vampires Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis A documentary film crew follows a group of roommate vampires throughout their not-so-normal everynight afterlives in modern-day New Zealand. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.
Trick ‘r Treat

TricK ‘r TreaT 2007 Bloody – Comedy – Ghosts – Monster Expand for One-Sentence Synopsis In a series of interwoven stories, the spirit of Samhain and other creatures of Halloween unleash bloody justice on their oft-deserving victims. Visit (unaffiliated) to find where it’s streaming now.